Artificial Intelligence: How can we help?
Our office provides legal assistance in understanding and applying the Artificial Intelligence Regulation to all companies developing products and services based on this technology.

We help identify high-risk systems, the corresponding obligations, and the preparation of codes of conduct, among others.

We can prepare opinions, informative notes, contracts, and policies, among others.

Below, we leave relevant information about the legislation that will come into force and which you will need help with.
Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Legislative Process
The first draft of the EU AI Act was published by the European Comission on April 21, 2021.

On 14 June 2023, the European Parliament adopted its negotiating position on the legislation. Then, on December 9, 2023, the European Parliament and the European Council reached a provisional agreement.

On February 21, 2024, the Artificial Intelligence Authority was created with the aim of helping to implement the AI Regulation and mitigating the occurrence of risks, and on March 13 the Proposal was approved by the European Parliament.
Regulation of Artificial Intelligence: Risk Levels of AI Systems
The Regulation identifies which AI systems whose use will be prohibited, those that will be classified as high risk, those with limited risk, and those that represent minimal risk.

This distinction is relevant to understanding which AI systems can be commercialized, and which cannot, and what the obligations will be associated with each risk level.
Lifecycle of High-Risk AI Systems
Producers develop AI systems, then a conformity assessment must be carried out and confirmation that it meets all legal requirements.

Then follows the risk of the system and issuance of the conformity symbol and subsequent commercialization on the European market.
General Purpose AI Models
General-purpose AI models are used as components of AI systems.

There is a set of transparency obligations that must be fulfilled by those who use these models.

It is necessary to carry out a systemic risk assessment, for example.
Source: Produzido pelo DALL·E